The permanent lack of essential trace elements can cause unpleasant deficiency symptoms and even health impairments. There is often an increased need for certain trace elements as vital inorganic compounds in our body. Iron, selenium, zinc, copper, fluorine and iodine, for example, are particularly important.
To stay healthy and fit, the body needs to absorb many different nutrients through the daily diet. These also include trace elements. These are minerals that only occur in small quantities in our body, but perform different functions and tasks there. They are involved in more than 5000 metabolic processes in our organism. Trace elements include iron, selenium, zinc, copper, fluorine and iodine. Techniker Krankenkasse states: "Minerals and trace elements do not provide us with food energy, but they are vital inorganic compounds. They are responsible for the structure of body tissue, cells, bones, teeth and the undisturbed functioning of the body's metabolism. Minerals are found in both animal and plant foods."
A lack of essential trace elements can cause unpleasant deficiency symptoms and even health impairments. Causes for this are often an unbalanced and unhealthy diet as well as an unhealthy lifestyle. Of course, other events such as pregnancy, excessive stress or illness can also lead to an increased need for certain trace elements in our body.
Those suffering from zinc deficiency will first notice mental symptoms
Let's take a closer look at the trace element zinc. Zinc provides our inner fire, even in the cold season. It gives us drive and dynamism. Zinc makes us alert, concentrated and is indispensable for our health. This is because zinc plays an important role in a multitude of metabolic reactions. In addition, it acts as an activator for numerous enzymes and hormones and is a real virus protection shield. According to the Techniker Krankenkasse, "Our muscles, for example, contain a lot of zinc. Zinc ensures that we stay fit and mentally efficient. It is of central importance for the structure of skin and hair, as it plays a major role in their regeneration. Zinc also increases fertility and potency and has a positive effect on the various sensory organs. It influences the sense of smell and taste and improves the eye's adaptation to light and dark.
Those who suffer from zinc deficiency will first notice mental symptoms. One is tired, listless and feels constantly exhausted. You feel that your physical performance is also reduced. In addition, mood swings can occur. Depression and chronic fatigue can also be a consequence. Visible symptoms include white patches on the nails, thin and brittle hair and hair loss. The skin can also become scaly and rough. Acne as well as eczema or skin fungus can also indicate a zinc deficiency, as can frequent colds, a susceptibility to flu illnesses and intestinal and stomach inflammations.
Zinc protects cells from oxidative stress
The EU Commission has officially confirmed the identified effects and tasks of zinc in a list. This shows what zinc as a nutrient in our body can contribute to our health in detail. Among other things, the trace element ensures normal acid-base metabolism, normal cognitive functions, normal DNA synthesis, fertility and reproduction, normal testosterone levels and metabolism of macronutrients, and contributes to the maintenance of normal bones, skin, hair and nails. In addition, zinc protects cells from oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a metabolic condition that causes damage to cells or their functions. By the way: According to the Techniker Krankenkasse, zinc inhibits the histamine release responsible for an allergic reaction. The result: the excessive immune reaction to certain allergy-causing substances such as pollen can be limited.
Manganese, on the other hand, is one of the vital trace elements and must be regularly supplied to the body. Most manganese is found in the bones. In addition, the liver, the pancreas and the kidneys have an increased amount of manganese. The trace element is absorbed and utilised in the small intestine. Manganese is a component of proteins (enzymes) and is therefore involved in numerous important functions in the body. As a component and activator of some important enzymes, manganese is necessary, among other things, for the formation of connective tissue in protein and fat synthesis.
Copper contributes to the defence against harmful substances and pathogens
Copper, which is more familiar from pipes, supports our body's natural defence system, the so-called immune system. In this way, copper contributes to the defence against harmful substances and pathogens, for example bacteria. In addition, copper is involved in the formation of bones, skin and hair and in this context also in the natural healing of wounds, among other things. Copper also enables the body to form nerve fibres for the nervous system.
In general, the trace element copper is needed for the production of the pigments in our body, the so-called pigments, and the red blood cells in the blood. The red blood cells are responsible for taking in oxygen from the air we breathe and distributing it throughout the body, supplying all the cells. The oxygen is bound by the central anion iron contained in the red blood pigment (haemoglobin). Only with a sufficient amount of oxygen can the cells in the body carry out their tasks so that all processes in the body run smoothly. In this context, copper contributes to a normal iron transport in the body.
Natura Vitalis has created a special product with "Trace Element Complex - High Dose", which combines the most important trace elements. A lack of essential trace elements can cause unpleasant deficiency symptoms and even health impairments. This is what "Trace Element Complex - High Dose" aims to do and thus additionally supports a healthy diet and lifestyle.