BKK ProVita is the first statutory health insurance company to reimburse food supplements through its bonus programme BKK BonusPlus Nutrition and Health. This was reason enough for us to strive for a cooperation with BKK ProVita. We are extremely proud that our customers and team partners now have the opportunity to benefit from this service of BKK ProVita with immediate effect.
Pro Bio. Pro veggie. ProVita. Healthy nutrition is entirely to our taste. This is not about renunciation, but rather about discovery. New recipes, unknown ingredients, exciting combinations. For Hippocrates' statement still applies: You are what you eat! Those who eat well are in a much better mood and reduce their own risk of cardiovascular disease or cancer.
BKK ProVita promotes plant-based nutrition with special offers such as cooking schools, nutritional counselling, the Plant Power campaign in daycare centres and schools and a bonus programme for the insured.
Within the framework of the earmarked bonus of up to EUR 200 per calendar year and per member, for example
- the cost of checking the supply status of vitamin B12,
- Food supplements, NEW: now also from Natura Vitalis®
- vegan cooking courses and seminars
- professional dental cleaning
- Spectacle lenses and contact lenses and much more
be reimbursed.
More and more people are eating a health-conscious diet. In order to avoid malnutrition, it makes sense to check the supply status of vital substances, especially in the transition phase to plant-based nutrition. As this is not provided for in the service catalogue of the statutory health insurance funds, BKK ProVita decided some time ago to reimburse these examinations as part of its BonusPlus nutrition and health bonus programme.
Now the "cash for life" goes even further: Of course one should try to cover the need for necessary vital substances through food. Since some vitamins are not or only with difficulty absorbed as part of the diet, for example vitamin B12 in a strictly plant-based diet, BKK ProVita reimburses ProVita via the bonus programme not only for the testing but also for the substitution with food supplements.
This is innovative and health-promoting.
You can find more information about our new cooperation partner BKK ProVita, the bonus programme BonusPlus nutrition and health and other services at
Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
* This text may contain translation errors as the translation was performed by an online translation tool.