Oxygen is therefore the most important elixir of life throughout our lives. That is why our lungs ensure that the oxygen from the air we breathe gets into the blood and thus into the entire body. We should therefore regularly do the organ good and, for example, support its self-cleaning function. Natural vital substances help with this.
Did you know that a person breathes about 20,000 times a day, moving about twelve cubic metres of air? And did you know that the ancient Greeks used the terms pneuma and odem as word meanings for breath as well as for spirit and soul? And that in Egyptian culture at the time of the Pharaohs special importance was attached to breath? For example, the name of the goddess Selket means "who lets breathe". This refers to her special importance in healing, especially poisonous scorpion stings.
Being able to breathe freely and well is vital. It is not for nothing that there is the rule "three weeks without food, three days without water, three minutes without air" for human survival in exceptional situations. Oxygen is therefore the most important elixir of life throughout our entire lives. That is why our lungs ensure that oxygen from the air we breathe gets into the blood and thus into the entire body. However, viruses, bacteria, dust and pollutant particles, pollen, mite excretions and cigarette smoke can severely damage the lungs.
Breathing trainer to strengthen respiratory muscles
To help people breathe in and out deeply, the companies Moonbird (Belgium) and Scanderra (Switzerland) are entering the German market with so-called breathing trainers. The trade medium "Handelsblatt Digital Health" reports on this. A breathing trainer is supposed to strengthen the respiratory muscles. By breathing more deeply, people can inhale much more deeply and the blood becomes more oxygenated. Breathing problems can also (allegedly) be treated and prevented.
Biomedical scientist Stefanie Broes founded Moonbird in 2019 together with her brother Michael. "At that point, I had already been practising yoga for a few years," she tells Handelsblatt Digital Health. "I knew that you could breathe yourself to sleep. But when I was lying in bed, I couldn't use the method." The idea of developing an intuitive breathing assistant appealed first to her brother, a trained economist, and then to a number of investors. The young start-up based in Antwerp has raised around three million euros in venture capital so far. The lead investor in the last round was the Belgian capital provider Akiles.
While the effectiveness of the device against various diseases has been proven, it has not yet caught on in Germany, reports "Handelsblatt Digital Health". The aforementioned companies now want to change that, although no respiratory trainer is listed in the aid list to date. A listing is necessary in order to be reimbursed by the health insurance. Such offers are therefore aimed at self-payers in Germany.
Mullein shows its effectiveness in lung health
A figure should show how important lung health is: According to the Federal Statistical Office, 61,348 people died in Germany in 2020 due to diseases of the respiratory system. Based on these figures, we should therefore regularly do the organ good and, for example, support the self-cleaning function. This is exactly what our Natura Vitalis product "Lung" does with a plant recipe that is unique worldwide. The focus is on mullein (Verbascum). For example, Commission E, a scientific expert commission for herbal medicines of the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) in Germany, certifies the effectiveness of mullein when it comes to positively supporting the lungs and bronchial tubes. Mullein is generally said to be expectorant, expectorant and soothing. Furthermore, mullein is believed to be effective against inflammation and combines certain antibacterial and antiviral effects. St. Hildegard von Bingen even saw mullein as a gift from God, which is said to be extremely helpful in lung diseases, bronchitis and coughs.
Amino acid N-acetylcysteine mentioned positively in IFIGENIA study
Elecampane, sage and coltsfoot have also been used since ancient times for lung ailments, obstructed airways, chronic bronchitis, asthma and irritable cough. Due to their antibiotic and antispasmodic effects, they are considered ideal plants to dilate the airways and relax the bronchial tubes. The formula has also been enhanced with organic compounds such as the amino acid N-acetylcysteine (NAC). NAC has long been used to help clear mucus for various challenges with the respiratory tract. The anti-inflammatory properties of NAC relate primarily to oxidative stress caused by smoking, for example. This was recently shown in the large, international IFIGENIA study, the results of which were published in the scientific journal "New England Journal of Medicine".
Rebalancing the immune system
Asthma is a widespread lung disease. About eight million people in Germany suffer from it. The gut plays a major role in this, as it is where most of our immune system is located. Asthmatics usually suffer from a so-called dysbacteria, a damage of the intestinal flora, which can be caused, for example, by taking antibiotics or by an overacidification of the body. Those who want to eliminate asthma naturally should therefore ensure a stable and healthy intestinal situation. The basis for this is best created with an extensive intestinal cleansing. In combination with a build-up of the intestinal flora through probiotics, it is an important step in bringing the immune system back into balance. An alkaline diet with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables is recommended. In addition, long-chain omega-3 fatty acids help to restore intestinal health. If the intestine is healthy, an anti-inflammatory diet can relieve the immune system in asthma and help to strengthen the defences.
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